The environment, goodwill and growth, and how some major companies take the stance that they are “too big to care.”
Today we are seeing more often evidence of business ethics being thrown overboard in what can only be described as a myopic pursuit of higher profits regardless of the perception that is left in the mind of the market and general public.
In the case of some corporations’ unquenchable thirst for growth, and their efforts to squeeze every opportunity for profitability, it appears that some companies are increasingly willing to cross lines that put people, property and the environment at risk. Recent corporate behavior in some cases, when objectively considered, is more akin to pillaging than commerce.
The California Drought—Profit Before Goodwill
Take any one of the examples from numerous recent news stories about the activities of highly-recognized national brands such as Aquafina, Dasani, Arrowhead and Crystal Geyser, who continue to blatantly sell off the critically short amount of remaining natural fresh water resources in the historically drought-stricken state of California.
The plight of the residents of California, both human and wildlife, has become increasingly desperate as they endure their third-driest year on record. Wells and surface water sources have been drying up and pushing local ecosystems to the brink of disaster. According to One Green Planet, an eco-conscious online platform, it has been reported that salmon populations have dropped by over 10%, the deer population has decreased by over 70%, and waterfowl and reptile populations are on the brink of complete decimation.
The Fight Begins
Industry lobby groups have heated up their offensive efforts in an attempt to legislate protection for their constituents, essentially waging a political war for access to the remaining water sources. For example, the agriculture industry wants river water diverted to maintain crop production, while the fisheries industry wants those same water sources protected to support local fish stock ecosystems.
Most Bottlers Don’t Blink
In the face of all of these challenges, as well as the California Legislature’s publicized steps to impose heavy restrictions which require a 25% reduction in water usage by local residents and businesses, many of the large bottling companies have not blinked.
Willfully ignoring these historic problems for California, millions of gallons of water continue to be pumped from age-old aquifers and springs that these companies do not own, their resistance being “justified” by the demand they’ve created.
Last year, the U.S. consumption of bottled water was estimated to be 10 billion gallons, grossing $12 billion of sales revenue. It should be noted that—strange as it may seem—as much as 45% of that bottled water was nothing more than treated municipal tap water being sold at a premium to unsuspecting clientele.
The Public’s Perception
If one were to question these national brands’ motives, unrestrained greed would be a natural conclusion. It’s a short logical step from there to the characterization that their actions exhibit a malevolent disregard for California’s people and ecosystems. The public’s perception can only be that these companies’ avarice far exceeds any regard they have for goodwill toward California.
Excerpted from September 2015 issue of Prosperity Magazine, written by staff.
1. Kunzia, Rob. “Fake Grass Gains Ground in California amid Concerns about Ongoing Drought.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 23 May 2015. Web. 27 July 2015.
2. Good, Kate. “Millions of Gallons of Water Are Being Pumped Out of California for the Worst Possible Reason.” One Green Planet. One Green Planet, 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 27 July 2015.
3. Lurie, Julia. “Your Bottled Water Comes from the Most Drought-ridden Places in the Country.” Mother Jones. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 July 2015.
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