Healthy Water At Home In Detroit
Many of us never do, but there are several substances present in municipal water that are potentially dangerous. Tap water additives like chlorine and lead from pipes can be toxic. Other water-borne bacteria have developed resistance and outbreaks can occur in Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills and Novi water systems. Bottled water is expensive, hard on the environment, and often just reconstituted tap water.
After considering these facts, a Kangen home water filtration machine is often the best solution for Detroit folks who want to drink the healthiest water possible.
Seventy percent of the human body is made up of water, so the water we drink is significant to our overall health. Research has shown that by changing the pH balance of the water we use every day, we can reap benefits inside and out!Alkalized water flushes toxins from the body as a universal solvent, making it ideal for drinking, while acidic water preserves moisture in the skin. When used externally it supports keeping skin smooth and youthful looking, protecting it from harsh environmental factors like cold or dry weather.
The Kangen water® system is a convenient home system that not only filters your tap water, but produces ionized water through electrolysis, letting you adjust the pH of your water to give you healthy benefits. Ionized water also can neutralize free radicals and drinkers will appreciate the fact that it hydrates without bloating.For more information about the health benefits of Kangen water®, contact me today!
Independent Kangen Water® Distributor Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, DC, ND 248-382-8668